Saturday, May 7, 2016

Eight Dental Care Tips for Moms

Moms deserve to be celebrated every day, so if you are a mom, 1-800-DENTIST thinks it's time to give yourself a gift that lasts a lifetime - the gift of dental health.

Here at 1-800-DENTIST, we understand that busy moms don't always believe they have the time to take great care of their teeth. But it shouldn't be that way. By giving your teeth the attention they need - just like you do for your family - you can help preserve your smile for decades.(dental ultrasonic scaler)

1-800-DENTIST has put together 8 dental care tips just for moms (and moms-to-be):

1. Brush twice a day for 2 minutes - You need all of that time to thoroughly remove plaque!

2. Brush properly  - Brush too hard and you might hurt your gums. For teeth brushing tips, check out our article on how to brush.

3. Floss every day - This is the best way to remove plaque and prevent cavities from forming between teeth.

4. Load up on fruits & veggies - Sweets promote tooth decay and gum disease. But fresh fruits and veggies are great for your overall health and your teeth!

5. Bust a move - Diet and exercise may help prevent periodontal disease, according to the Journal of Periodontology. Who knew?

6. Take time to de-stress - Stress can lead to teeth grinding, cause TMJ and trigger canker sore and cold sore outbreaks. Try yoga, meditation or other relaxation techniques to take the edge off.

7. Visit your dentist - You wouldn't let your kids miss a dentist appointment, so why should you? If you're pregnant, it's important to continue with regular dental exams.

8. Be model mom - Your kids look up to you. Dentists know that mothers who make dental health a priority in their own lives set a good example for their kids.

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